Historic Cemeteries & Burying Grounds of
Southampton, NY
Multiple Property Documentation Form
National Register of Historic Places
Landmark Designation
BGPG is experienced in nominating gravesites, burying grounds and cemeteries for landmark designation – either individually or as “contributing resources” within historic districts – as a way of documenting their cultural and historical significance. This designation may be on the local, state or national level. Listing in the National Register of Historic Places is widely accepted as the highest standard of landmark designation.
Gravesites, burying grounds and cemeteries may be included as “contributing resources” within historic districts composed of various buildings, structures and sites, or grouped as a distinct property type and nominated to the National Register of Historic Places using a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF). Formerly known as thematic districts, MPDFs are historic "districts" with non-contiguous resources (e.g., lighthouses, lifesaving stations) that share common features and purposes.
Quogue Cemetery
Quogue, NY
National Register Nomination Form