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The King family monument located in the North End Burying Ground in Southampton village (above), is a marble obelisk that evidenced severe tilting as well as a broken top that presented a real hazard. Repairs included reattaching the top and leveling the base.

Conservation & Restoration

BGPG provides conservation treatments and restoration of burial markers and monuments by professionals with specific training and experience. Work includes identifying stone types (and variations within types), understanding stone morphology and conditions, knowing appropriate methods of repair, selecting appropriate tools and materials, and undertaking stabilization, treatment or restoration. 


A wide range of materials, supplies and tools are available from manufacturers who specialize in stone treatment, consolidation, and repair. The successful conservation and restoration of burial markers and monuments requires the proper selection and use of specific products and techniques.

The John Schenck stone (below), one of many marble tablets found in fragmented condition at the Schenck-Mann Burying Ground in Syosset, required painstaking reassembly and reattaching before resetting.

2020 Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc.

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